
The Win button on your keyboard: useful keyboard shortcuts with it, and how you can turn it off ...

Good day!

Button Win (or as it is also called Windows) is located at the bottom of the keyboard (usually there are two, left and right). Most often, it shows the Windows logo, sometimes just an asterisk or a snowflake (you can look at the preview for this article on the left as an example, or here's another: example 1; example 2 (clickable!)).

It so happened that many users have completely different attitudes towards her:

  • some people hate Win, because, accidentally hitting it, all windows are minimized and START opens (imagine what it would be like if the game was minimized in full swing 😡);
  • others do not notice it and almost never use it;
  • still others - actively press, significantly speeding up their work.

Actually, in this small help article I wanted to give the most frequent combinations that will help you make your work more comfortable and faster. I will also give one of the simple ways to disable Win (if it bothers you).


Useful shortcuts with the Win key


Pressing the key once opens the START menu. In Windows 8, the Metro menu. If you press it while in the game, for example, it will be minimized and you will see the desktop with open START.

If you accidentally touch this key in games and lose your "focus", then a little later in the article I will show you how to disable it, and no longer suffer with this 👌 ...

START has been opened ...

Win + R

A very commonly used keyboard shortcut that allows you to bring up the "Run" window (works in all versions of Windows).

Execute window - appeared. after pressing Win + R

Win + D

When you click, all open windows are automatically minimized, and the desktop appears in front of you. It is convenient to use when many windows are open and you need to get to the icon (file) on the desktop.

Win + T

Highlights the first program icon in the taskbar (in my case, AIDA 64 😉 highlighted). Then, using the arrows and Enter, you can run any program whose icons are present on the taskbar.

Select the first icon on the taskbar

Win + B

A very convenient combination when your mouse does not work, or you need to quickly go to the tray icons. After pressing - the first item is selected in the tray, then use the Shift + F10, Enter, and TAB keys to open and view the properties of the programs (which icons are in the tray).

Highlighting the first item in the system tray

Win + 1 (Win + 2, etc.)

Automatically launches the first program located on the taskbar. In my case, it's still the same AIDA 64 (the second is Yandex browser).

Taskbar (Windows 10)

Win + Shift + 1 (Win + Shift + 1, etc.)

Similar to the previous combination, only in this case you run a copy of the program. For example, you can open 2-3 browser windows (each with its own tabs). In some cases, it is very convenient!

Win + E

Call the explorer window (see screen below). By the way, in this way it is convenient to quickly open the "My Computer / This Computer" tab.

File Explorer (Windows 10)

Win + Space

Switching keyboard language: Russian / English.

Language switching

Win + P

If you have a 2nd monitor connected to a laptop / computer, this combination will allow you to choose the projection option. For example, you can make the image on the monitors the same; either turn off one and turn on the other; or generally expand your workspace and open different windows on different monitors ...

To help! How to connect a monitor to a laptop (more on this topic) - //

Options for how to project an image

Win + Pause (Break)

Calls the system properties window. Here you can:

  • see the CPU model, computer name, OS version, amount of RAM, etc. characteristics;
  • start device manager;
  • configure system protection;
  • configure remote access, etc.

Windows 10 system properties

Win + L

A very useful combination to block access to the OS (i.e.a welcome window will appear asking you to enter a password (if you have one)). Note that no open programs are closed, their work is not interrupted. After entering the OS, you can continue to work on your projects.

Win + L - Lock OS

Win + M

Minimize all open windows. In my opinion, it simply duplicates the Win + D combination ...

Win + U

After clicking, a window with accessibility opens automatically: screen pinpoint adjustment, on-screen keyboard, announcer, etc.

Win + U - special capabilities

Win + X

A very useful combination that opens a window with links to quickly launch the most needed tools: device manager, network connections, disk management, etc.;

Win + X

Win + → (or ↓, ↑, ←)

Move a window from one part to another (for example, from the left side of the screen to the right, see the screen below. Affects the active window). Especially important for large monitors, where you can open several windows and quickly swap them ...

Window offset example

Win + Tab

Convenient way to switch between different windows (see example below). Allows you to view all open windows in thumbnails (also relevant for large monitors).

Win + Tab - switch between windows (Windows 10)

Update from 01/31/2019

Win + G

A combination is used in Windows 10 in games: when pressed, the game bar appears, which allows you to take screenshots and record everything that happens on the screen to a video file. See example below.

More details on this here: //

Recording start button


How to disable the Win button (if you accidentally hit it)

Quite often in games, many accidentally touch the Windows (Win) button - as a result, the game is minimized (at the most crucial moment), and often Game Over occurs (defeat ).

Unfortunately, there is no official solution to this problem, so you have to use "tricky things" ...

The easiest way to disable this button (in my opinion) is to replace it with another one (which does nothing in the game). This can be done using specials. utilities - MapKeyboard .

MapKeyboard and other utilities of a similar kind can be found here - //

After launching it, you only need to perform three steps:

  • select a key (which will be instead of Win);
  • then at the bottom of the window select "LWin" - this is the left Windows, just which is most often touched;
  • and click the "Save Layout" button. After restarting your computer and check - instead of Win, the "No." key will work for you ...

How to replace Win with something harmless

If suddenly someday you want to restore the functionality of the Windows button, then just run this utility again and reset the settings (button "Reset keyboard layout" ).


That's all for now. Good luck!


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