
How to save a web page to PDF - 3 ways

Good time everyone!

Despite the fact that in each browser you can quickly create bookmarks for the pages you like, nevertheless, sometimes it is very necessary to save the desired web page in PDF (if only because this page may eventually be removed or edited from the site 👌).

In addition, information from the PDF format can be easily read on a variety of devices (all readers support it, without exception), can be edited in Word, and transferred to other users.

And the page itself, over time, will not corrode, its formatting and design will not change. In general, a useful and necessary thing!

In this article, I will look at several ways to do this quickly and easily. Actually, let's get down to business ...

👉 To this topic!

Essential PDF readers - see my selection


3 ways to save web page to DPF

👉 Using browser printing

We will assume that you have found a very interesting and necessary material, which you absolutely must keep to yourself. I will consider the steps in order.

1) Whatever browser you have (Chrome, Opera, Edge, Firefox, etc.), press the combination of buttons Ctrl + P (this combination means a printout of the page). This function is also available in the browser menu.

Found a web page you want to save

2) Next, change the default printer to "Save as PDF" or "Microsoft Print to PDF" (depending on your browser and OS - you may have different options available: both, or just one of them).

See a couple of screenshots below. 👇

Changing the Printer to Save to PDF

Microsoft Print to PDF

3) Now set the basic settings: number of saved pages, page layout, margins, color, headers and footers, etc. Then click the button "Print" .

Setting basic settings

4) Next, specify the location on the disk where you want to save the file, give it a name.

Set the location and name of the file

Actually, this task is completed. Now the resulting PDF can be opened in Word, Adobe PDF Reader, and hundreds of other programs that support this format.

Task completed, file saved


👉 With the help of special. extensions

For most popular browsers, there are now a bunch of different add-ons and extensions that allow you to save your favorite pages both to cloud storage and to PDF files on your hard drive.

I would like to highlight one very interesting addition - PDF MAGE.


PDF Mage

Page in the Play Market: //

A small add-on for Firefox, Opera, Chrome, allowing you to save a web page completely to your hard drive in 1 click!

I note that after clicking on the PDF Mage icon, the current page is simply downloaded in PDF format to your download folder. It is simply impossible to come up with more convenient ...


Let me show you with an example.

After installing the extension, you will have a small icon in the menu. When you find an interesting page, just click on it with the left mouse button.

This is what the PDF Mage icon looks like on the bar in Chrome

Next, you will see a message that the page has started saving. Now you can generally switch to another tab from being about it.

Start saving web page

Literally in a moment, the browser will automatically start downloading the file in PDF format. Actually, everything is done without unnecessary gestures, quickly and conveniently!

Download page in PDF format

In general, I recommend using it!


👉 Using online services

The network also has many Internet services that allow you to quickly save any page on the network in PDF. The essence of the work is approximately the following: you insert into the special. the URL string of the page you want to save.

Then press the button to generate a PDF file. After a while, you receive a link to download your PDF.

You can, of course, use it, but in my humble opinion - all this is tedious and suitable for temporary use.For example, you have "problems" with your browser or Windows, and you come across some "strange" page that does not want to be saved in the previous ways.


And so, the most popular services of this kind:

  1. // - a simple and convenient service in English. The site has specials. the line where you paste the URL, and next to it is the generate button. At the exit, download the ready-made PDF to your hard drive.
  2. // is another foreign service that works in a similar way.
  3. // is a very popular service, with its help more than 5,000,000 pages have already been saved all over the World! Here, among other things, you can download add-ons for the browser (so as not to visit the site every time when you need to save the page).
  4. // is a fairly simple and convenient service. A minimum of unnecessary information on the site.


That's all for now.

Supplements on the subject of the article are welcome!

Good luck!


First publication: 20.04.2018

Correction: 11/01/2020

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