
IP address conflict detected on Windows - what to do about this error

User question


I have Windows 7 installed on two laptops. When I enable both of them, then when Windows boots, when the desktop appears, an error pops up:

Windows IP address conflict detected. There is already a computer on this network with the same IP address. Please contact your system administrator to resolve this issue. Please see the Windows System Log for more information. "

I tried changing Windows on one of the laptops, but the error persists. Tell me how you can solve this error.

PS: when an error appears - the network does not work, at the bottom in the tray, next to the clock, a yellow sign appears ...

Good day.

In general, this error is not so common. If you translate it into plain language, its meaning is that you have 2 computers on your network with the same IP address. And this should not be, so Windows issues warnings ...

In most cases, it is enough to correct the IP address in the Windows settings to a unique one and the problem will be solved. Actually, below I will consider how this is done.

An example of an IP address conflict error in Windows 7


What to do if an IP address conflict error appears

Note! This article provides a solution to the problem in a small home network (I think that most visitors to this site are interested in).

If you are faced with this error somewhere at work, then it is not recommended to change any settings, it is better to contact a specialist who configures your network.


👉 1) Tip one: restart your PC and Wi-Fi router

No matter how trite it sounds, but first try restarting your computer (laptop) and router (if your network functions with it).

In some cases, when the error is related to a failure of parameters (for example, the TCP / IP stack freezes), it is possible to solve the 'ne problem ...

Note: I recommend turning on computers (laptops and other devices in your network) one at a time.


👉 2) If there is no router and an Internet cable is directly connected to the PC

In this case, turn off the PC first. Then unplug the network cable and turn on the computer. Next, plug in the network cable and see if the error appears.

If the error reappears, you need to contact the support of your Internet provider. Most likely, the problem lies with their incorrect network settings.

Note: I also recommend in this case to try restarting the network adapter and see what happens to the IP address and DNS settings in the Windows settings (about this below, see tips 3 and 4).


👉 3) Reboot the network adapter

To open a list of all adapters in Windows, you need:

  1. press a combination of buttons Win + R;
  2. in the opened window "Run" enter the command in the line ncpa.cpl and press Enter (see screenshot below 👇).

ncpa.cpl - View all network connections

Next, disconnect your adapter through which you are connecting, then turn it back on again. If you do not know which adapter to choose, turn off / turn on each one (note: to turn on - right-click on the adapter and select an action from the pop-up context menu).

Note: most often, the connection is made through an adapter named "Ethernet" ("Local Area Network").

Network Connections // Control Panel Windows 7


👉 4) How to change the IP address in the adapter settings

By default, IP addresses on a home network are dynamically assigned to computers. The first free one from the range - is simply taken (if the subnet with the mask 255.255255.0).

The problem may arise if it is prescribed in the settings of different computers to take the same IP address. To prevent this from happening, you must do the following:

1. First you also open Control Panel \ Network and Internet \ Network Connections (as in the previous tip: the combination of buttons Win + Rthen the command ncpa.cpl).

2. Next open properties the connection through which your network is running (on laptops most often this is "Wireless Network Connection", on computers - "Local Area Connection").

Connection properties

3. Then select the item "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and open its properties (as shown in the screenshot below).

Internet Protocol version 4

4. Then move the sliders to position "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain a DNS server address automatically", and click OK.

Obtain IP address and DNS server automatically

Actually, after that, restart your computer. The error should be gone ...


That's all for today, I hope the error won't bother you anymore.

Have a nice day!


First publication: 21.07.2017

Correction: 01/05/2020

$config[zx-auto] not found$config[zx-overlay] not found