
How to make a permanent IP address for a computer in the router settings

Good time!

Probably, many who used a home local network, sometimes faced with the fact that it is necessary to find out the IP address of a computer (for example, to be able to play a network, port forwarding, setting up a program, etc.).

Everything would be fine, but if you did not ask specials. settings in the router - then every time a computer (laptop, phone, etc.) is connected to it - the IP address will change. This means that you need to find out the IP again and again and change the settings (you must admit, this is not very convenient even if you just play ...).

To fix this, and make the IP address permanent (or as it is also called static), you need to make a number of simple settings. Below I will try to cite them in a step-by-step version (for simple perception, as much as possible) ...


Setting up a static IP address on the router

STEP 1: find out the MAC address of the network adapter from the computer

Each network adapter (note: this is the device through which the PC / laptop / phone gains access to the network) has its own unique identification number. It is a simple text string consisting of letters and numbers.

Example MAC address: 00-1A-3F-F1-4C-C6

So, our task is to find out the MAC address of the network adapter with which your computer / laptop connects to the router and gains access to the network. I will consider below a couple of the simplest ways to do this.

Method 1

Press the keyboard shortcut Win + R (the "Run" window should appear), and enter the command ncpa.cpl ... A window should appear with all network adapters.

ncpa.cpl - View all network connections

In my case, there are two of them: "Ethernet" (not active at the moment, pay attention to its icon in the screenshot below) and "Wireless network" (this is a Wi-Fi adapter).

You need to find out the MAC address of the network adapter through which you connect to the network (note that inactive adapters are marked with red crosses). To do this, just right-click on the adapter and select the tab in the context menu "Condition" .

Wireless network status

Next, open the "Details" tab. See screenshot below.

Network information

In the "Physical address" column, the MAC address will be presented (in Windows, a different abbreviation is simply used ...).

Physical adress

To help!

MAC address: what is it and where to find it - //

Method 2

You can find out almost all the ins and outs about a computer / laptop with the help of specials. utilities. Speccy is very convenient and clear in this regard (from the creators of the CCleaner utility; a link to it is given below, under the screenshot).

In the Speccy, just open the "Network" section and expand the "Adapter List" tab: it will list all network adapters and their MAC addresses (also note the "Connection Name" line - this note helps you navigate if you have multiple adapters) ...

Speccy - View Network Tab

To help!

Utilities for viewing computer characteristics - //

STEP 2: enter the router settings

To enter the settings of the router, you just need to specify its IP address in the address bar of the browser. Usually this information is indicated on the router itself (just look at all the stickers on it).

Router sticker - address and password for access

Typing IP into Chrome address bar

To help!How to find out the IP address of the router - //

By the way, you can also find out the IP address of the router using the command line. It is enough to use the command ipconfig / all (example below).

ipconfig - find out the IP of the router

Main gate

To help!

How to enter the router settings - //

STEP 3: a few words about choosing an IP

Of course, you cannot choose any IP address (for example, one-digit). Technically speaking, the IP address should be included in the DHCP address pool. In practice, everything looks simpler, I will show below ✌ ...

And so, in the settings of the router, you can see all the devices connected to it at a given time. Usually, this information is located in the sections "Network map", "Status", "Bandwidth Control" and so on (see screenshots below).

For example, the IP address of my computer at the current time is (it is this that can be fixed, i.e. made constant).

View connected devices to the router (Tenda)

ASUS router - network map tab

STEP 4: configure your router (static IP)

Now all that remains is to reserve the selected IP address for the MAC address of your network adapter (i.e., as soon as a device with a specific MAC address connects to the router, the set IP will be assigned to it).

This can be done in the DHCP (local network) settings. I will show you using several routers as an example.


In chapter "Additional" you need to enter the IP address (see step 3), the MAC address (see step 1) and a note (can be anything). Then click on the plus sign - the line will be added (see the screen below, it is highlighted in red).

Tenda router - advanced settings / Clickable


First you need to open the section "The local network" and go to the tab "DHCP server" ... Next, at the bottom of the window, find the subsection "List of manually assigned IP addresses bypassing DHCP" and enter the required values ​​(IP, MAC address - see step 1, 3).

ASUS router settings / Clickable


You need to open the section "DHCP / Address Reservation" (in Russian firmware - "DHCP / Address Reservation") and specify the MAC and IP address. In principle, everything is done in the same way as the above options.

TP-Link (English firmware) - IP address reservation by MAC address

To help!

How to forward ports on a router (open ports for games, Skype, uTorrent and other applications) - //


That's all for today, good luck!

$config[zx-auto] not found$config[zx-overlay] not found