
"Who visited my VK page?" - question answer

User question

Hello, Alexander!

Tell me, can I somehow find out who visited my VK page? Is there a 100% working way? [note: the rest of the question has been deleted because contains pers. information]

Michael (aka "TaNtal")


In general, as far as I know, the social. the VK network does not have a function to view all the guests who came to your page (apparently this is done on purpose: anonymity encourages users to view other people's pages, and this brings profit to the company ...). So, if someone promises you 100% information, most likely you are being misled ...

But still, there are several options for how you can "partially" open the curtain of secrecy. Perhaps you have already encountered some of the methods (moreover, by accident) ...


Find out who visited my VK page

Method 1

It is necessary to open the computer version of the VKontakte website. Then click on your profile and go to its settings.

Profile settings

After, in the settings (at the very bottom) you need to click on the link "Delete page" and choose a reason "My page is not being commented on" - you will immediately see several names of people who came to you. See example below.

My page is not being commented on / VK

Then, you cancel the deletion procedure, re-enter VKontakte again and repeat the procedure - you will be able to see other profiles.

Actually, repeating this procedure 5-6 times - you will have about 10-15 profiles, who recently visited you most often ...

Method 2

You can use such a thing in VK as a friend rating. You just need to go to the page of the profile you are interested in and see his list of friends. Above are always those to whom he pays the most attention and whom he visits more often!

Friends / Screen from social. VK networks

Method 3

In social VK networks have specials. attachment "My guests" ... It automatically analyzes the activity on your page and shows you all of its visitors. According to independent estimates, the reliability of the information is over 80%!

How to install: go to section "Games" (the link is usually in the left menu of the social network). Next, in the search bar, score "My guests" and activate its installation.

Games - social. VK network

After that, the application will automatically do all the work for you and provide a list of visitors. Conveniently?!

Launching "My guests"

How it looks in the end is shown in the screenshot below (profiles are blurred on purpose, just in case ...).

Watching guests (profile blurred)

Method 4

With the help of a little trick - you can solve many problems and tasks in life. Our case is no exception ...

What is the point: we register in some popular social media. a network that shows who visited you (i.e. where this chip is). For example, Odnoklassniki has this function - see the tab "Guests" .

Then just write the news on your page in "VKontakte" that you have posted your new photos on Odnoklassniki (and put a link) - all "curious" will follow it to your Odnoklassniki profile (and you will find out about them in the tab "Guests" ). Problem solved ?! 👌

Guests - social. Odnoklassniki network

Of course, the more you intrigue people so that they click on the link you need, the better the result will be ...

Method 5

And the last thing: you can do analytics on your own and track notifications about user activity.

Moreover, if you are a little versed in scripts, you can do a full-fledged automatic analytical analysis with a table (answering the questions "Who, where, when and how much ..."). But this is already a topic for a completely different article ...

👉  More on the topic!

How to track user's location by smartphone (on Android) - //


If you know other ways, just drop a few words in the comments ...

Thank you in advance.

All the best!


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