
How to disable automatic restart of Windows 10 on updates and errors

Good time!

Windows 10 has one "option" (it is enabled by default) that can get very annoying - we are talking about auto-restart ...

It happens every time you download and install updates (of which quite a lot are released for a regular 10, in contrast to the LTSC version). Of course, this can greatly interfere with games, watching videos, broadcasts, etc.

In this small note I will show you some of the simplest ways how this automatic reboot can be disabled (of course, without "digging" in the system registry).

To help!

How to return the Windows 7 START menu in Windows 10 (8) (everything old is back in fashion!) - //


On updates

Through system parameters

1) Open the START menu and go to "Parameters" (by the way, you can use the keyboard shortcut Win + i ).

START - options / Windows 10

2) Go to the section Update & Security / Windows Update and open the tab with add. parameters (see screenshot below).

Advanced options - update center

3) After, you need to put the slider in the mode "Off" opposite point "Restart the device as soon as possible if a restart is required to install the update" ... See example below.

Disable the required reboot!

4) By the way, I also recommend changing the Windows activity period (so that it does not load the system with downloading updates during working hours).

Change active period

Through the Group Policy Editor

1) To open the Group Policy Editor: first you need to press the combination WIN + R (so that the "Run" window appears), and use the command gpedit.msc (note: there is no Group Policy Editor in the "stripped down" OS versions).

gpedit.msc - launch the group policy editor

2) Next, you need to open the following branch:

"Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update"

In it you need to find and open the parameter "Do not auto reboot ..." .

Windows Update - Group Policy

3) Next, switch the slider to the mode "Included" and save the settings.

Don't auto-reboot when installing updates

On errors

When some serious errors occur (for example, the same "blue screen") - Windows 10 by default restarts the computer. Sometimes, you don't even have time to photograph (write down) the error code ...

Prohibiting her from doing this can be quite simple:

1) First you need to open the explorer, right-click on "This computer" in the menu on the left and open it properties ... See screenshot below.

Computer properties

2) Then follow the link "Advanced system parameters" .

Add. system settings (Windows 10)

3) After, you need to open parameters in subsection "Download and Restore" ... See example below.


4) The final touch: uncheck the box "Perform automatic reboot" and save the parameters.

Uncheck the auto-reboot box and save the options


That's all for now ... Additions are welcome.

Happy settings!

$config[zx-auto] not found$config[zx-overlay] not found