
Is it possible to find out my location by IP-address, and what generally hides IP ...

User question

Good day.

Tell me, can they find out my location, home address, for example, by my IP? I just installed one chat on my phone, and my IP is displayed on the right (it seems). In general, on the one hand, I don't care, but on the other, sometimes it's a little anxious ...


Generally, according toIP address you can find out a lot about the user, including his location. But here it is worth making one remark right away: who will look for it? If the special services - then this will happen very quickly, if your neighbor (locksmith) - then most likely he will not find anything ...

Anyway, I want to call for normal behavior on the network (regardless of who is in front of you), and not stoop to insults (even against trolls 😒).

Below are some more specific notes on IP ...


What is hiding an IP address ...


What can be found by IP

Knowing your real IP-address, you can get information about:

  • the current provider through which you access the network (available: to any user);
  • country, city and region (available to: any user);
  • your phone, e-mail, photo and other information, provided that it could get into the cache of search engines and was associated with your IP (available: for an experienced user);
  • to whom the Internet connection is registered (available: special services);
  • home address, passport data and other information that the Internet provider has on you (available to: special services).

Of course, who exactly was sitting at the PC at this time (you or your friend, who came to visit), modern technologies do not help to determine yet. However, as you understand, further it is a matter of technology ...

In general, I would recommend "treating" the IP as a phone number - the principle is about the same ...

Where can I leave my IP (it doesn't seem to be written anywhere ...)

If you yourself do not write it anywhere, and do not see that it is displayed, this does not mean at all that information about it is not transmitted (and does not remain) ...

You "show" your IP when:

  • using various chats (in many of them, at least it was like this before, you can easily find out the IP of any user);
  • visiting any sites, when sending messages, posts, comments, etc. (of course, this can only be viewed by the site owner, administrator, but by no means an ordinary user from the outside). As you understand, various social services also fall here. networks VK, OK, etc .;
  • using torrent trackers, and other P2P programs;
  • network games (there sometimes you need to enter the IP address directly to connect ...);
  • when sending e-mail messages, etc.

Those. in general, no matter what you do on the Internet, your IP is recorded everywhere (just not shown to you) ...

How can I find my IP or another user

Everything is simple with your IP: just go to the site // (or use its analogue // An example is in the screenshot below.

2IP service

With the IP address of your "friend" (that is, another user), everything is somewhat more complicated:

  • you can ask him to tell you about it directly ... 😊;
  • if he answers you by e-mail - you can view the message code, there is an IP (or use the corresponding function on the service );
  • invite him to some chat (or ICQ, or mail agent ...);
  • offer to play a network game where you need to enter IP, etc.

In general, if your "friend" is a rather experienced and careful person, most likely you will not recognize his real IP address ...

Where to get IP information

If you already know the IP address for which you want to get more information, then you can use the same services that I gave above:

  1. //
  2. //

Detailed information about the IP address

As you can see on the screenshot, such services even show the location of the provider serving this IP on the map.Further, when contacting the provider of the relevant authorities, he will provide all the information about who used this IP on that day, to whom and what is registered, etc. (Of course, a simple user will not be able to get such information (by the way, 15 years ago everything was so "open" that any experienced user could find a lot without any official requests ...)).

By the way, you can also "google" on the desired IP - suddenly something got into the cache. How to do this - you can find out from the article, the link to which is below.

To help!

How to find a person on the Internet. Search for people by first and last name, phone number, E-mail, etc. - //

Is it possible to somehow hide your IP

Again, depending on who ...

The vast majority of users will be satisfied with using a regular VPN (if anyone does not know, a VPN encrypts your Internet connection and changes your real IP address). Thanks to this, even your ISP will not be able to see which sites you visit and what you do there ...

You can learn more about VPN and how to configure all this from one of my previous articles.

To help!

VPN: what is it and why do you need it? How to use a VPN (simple free options) - //


On this today I will round off (additions would be helpful ...).

All the best!


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