
Collaboration on documents (text, tables, etc.), or how to create a shared folder on the Internet

Good day!

Today I decided to consider a fairly common office (and not only ...) task: for example, there are several documents that need to be made available to all users who have a cherished link to them (i.e. so that they can log in from their PC / smartphone and edit them).

This can be very convenient for maintaining some kind of reporting, transferring small files, checking and correcting texts, tables, etc. In general, where it is required that 2-3 people can work with the document in turn. (at least). 😉

By the way, I will warn you in advance that when uploading documents for general editing there is always a risk that someone will do something wrong by mistake. Make copies!

Now, consider several options for resolving the issue. 👌


Solution options

Method 1

If all your work computers (from which you will need to edit the document) are on the same local network (for example, connected to the same router), then the shared access to the folder can be configured directly through the explorer by right-clicking on the directory ... (👇)

👉 To help!

How to set up a shared folder for a local network in Windows - instruction

Shared for everyone!

Of course, this is not always convenient, since files cannot be accessed via the Internet (besides, the computer on which the folder is open must always be on ...) Therefore, I will not dwell on this option in detail ...


Method 2 👍

Probably, many have heard of such a service as Google Drive. (Google drive). So, in its arsenal of options there is the possibility of any of the folders make a common - i.e. available for viewing and editing documents in it!

How it's done:

  • we start our drive on the Google service (registration is simple, besides, many already have an account ...);
  • create a folder (for this you need to right-click in any free space in the disk window ...). 👇

Create folder - Google Drive

After, right-click on the folder and select from the menu "To open access" .

To open access

Then, in the security settings, we switch to the mode "Available to users who have a link" , access type "Editor" .

Further copy the link and discard it to everyone who needs to work with documents in this folder. 👇

Available to anyone who has a link (rights: editor)

Actually, even if the person who followed your link does not have a Google Drive account, he will still be able to open documents and edit them (the problem is solved! 👌).

Follow the link and edit

By the way, if it suddenly happens that the document will be simultaneously opened by 2-3 people. and start editing it - Google will show you this: who is editing what, see the screenshot below (synchronization goes directly online).

Users see who is editing what ...

👉 Important!

Don't forget about backups. When we open a shared folder for everyone using a link (even if for 2 people), there is a risk that someone by mistake (or malicious intent) can delete (spoil).

And, of course, not all documents should be placed in the public domain ...

From experience: usually, no one cares about ordinary office documents (and many people are even bored of going there when they need it ...).


Method 3

In this note, one cannot fail to note other similar services, for example, Yandex disk and cloud from 👌

In my opinion, they have one small drawback: folders and documents cannot be made editable for those who are not registered with their service (there is an option only browse ).

Otherwise, everything is very convenient: you can also share a link and open general access for specific e-mail addresses. See a couple of screenshots below. 👇

Yandex disk - set up sharing

Add e-mail addresses of the right people, by the way, has a whole section in the menu. "Shared files" (it contains all files and folders to which you have opened access). But the options, of course, are somewhat less than those of Google Drive ...

Cloud from - shared folders


Additions on the topic are welcome!

Happy work!


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