
How to unblock Adobe Flash Player in browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, Yandex

Good day!

Many sites (especially entertainment ones, for example, with various mini-toys) have a lot of Flash content. These can be both games themselves and videos, some parts of the menu, cartoons, etc. And all this may not be displayed (be inaccessible) due to the fact that the browser has blocked Flash animation ...

In general, this usually happens in order to secure your system (because viruses often spread through various Flash videos). To enable Flash content, you usually need to first update to the latest version.Adobe Flash Player, and then enable the display of such content in the browser settings.

Actually, this article will be in the form of a small instruction for solving a similar problem. And so, now closer to the topic ...


How to unblock Flash Player

Important note!

Very often, the browser blocks the display of Flash content due to the fact that you have an outdated version of Adobe Flash Player (by the way, he usually reports this himself, displaying an error that the Flash Player plugin is outdated) .

Therefore, when a similar problem appears, I recommend first of all to download and updateFlash Player... To do this, use the official website Adobe (link): the automatic update option is very simple, just download a small executable file and run it (see the screen below).

Install Now (Flash Player) | Clickable

👉 Addition!

I also provide a link to detailed instructions on automatic and manual updating of Flash Player, and solving a number of related issues: //

In Google Chrome

1) First, open the browser settings section (for an example, see the screenshot below).

Opening Chrome Settings

2) After we open the tab "Additional" at the bottom of the window.

Additional settings

3) Next, you need to find a subsection "Privacy and Security" and open the tab "Site settings" .

Site settings - Chrome

4) Then go to the tab "Flash" (see example below).

By the way, you can open this section in an alternative way: just paste the chrome: // settings / content / flash into the browser URL


5) Then put the browser into the mode "Always ask" ... Also at the bottom of the window there is a "white" list of sites (called "allow") : all the URLs you add to it will automatically load all Flash animations.

Always ask (Flash enabled)

In Microsoft Edge

1) First you need to open the settings menu and go to the "Parameters" section (see the screen below).

Options - Microsoft Edge Browser

2) Further at the bottom of the window there should be a link "View additional parameters" - we pass on it.

View advanced options

3) After that you need to move the slider to the mode "On" under parameter "Use Adobe Flash Player" ... See example below.

After restarting the browser - Flash content should start displaying as expected ...

Use Adobe Flash Player

In Mozilla Firefox

1) In the upper right corner, click on the "three lines" icon and go to the "Add-ons" section (you can use the hotkey combination "Ctrl + Shift + A" ).

Another alternative to open the add-ons section is to paste the URL: about: addons into the address bar of the browser

Add-on - Mozilla Firefox

2) Further in the subsection "Plugins" (see menu on the left) find line with "Shockwave Flash" and switch the setting opposite to it into the mode "Always include" ... After that, it is recommended to restart your browser and try to open some site with Flash content.

Always On - Shockwave Flash - Mozilla Firefox

In Opera

1) In the upper left corner of Opera, open the menu and go to the "Settings" section (see example below). You can also use the keyboard shortcut: Alt + P.

Menu - settings - Opera

2) Next, you need to open additional settings (there is a link at the bottom of the window).


3) After in section "Privacy and Security" go to subsection "Content settings" .

Privacy & security - content settings - Opera

4) Then open the tab "Flash".

Flash - Opera

5) Next, enable the options "Allow sites to run Flash" and "Always ask (recommended)" (example below).

It is also possible to create white and black lists of sites where Flash content is allowed (or prohibited).

Allow sites to run Flash - Opera

In Yandex browser

1) Open the browser settings (see screen below).

Settings - Yandex browser

2) Go to the section "Sites / advanced site settings" (at the bottom of the window).

Sites - advanced site settings

3) Find the subsection "Flash" and follow the link "Site settings" (see example below). By the way, by default Flash is allowed only for the most important elements of the page.

Flash Allowed

4) Now you can set a whitelist of sites on which the browser will always run Flash (relevant for those sites that you regularly visit).

As for the black list: I think that it makes no sense to do it, tk. browsers now tend not to run Flash anyway ...

You can add sites where all Flash will be displayed

5) The form of adding is quite simple: you just need to insert the URL address, and click done (I did not give an example ...).


Add-ons are welcome! ..

Good luck!


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