
How to forcibly close the program if it freezes and does not respond to pressing ...

Good time!

In some cases, even the most "stable" and reliable programs may stop responding to any mouse / keyboard clicks (ie, simply freeze).

To resolve the issue, you can, of course, restart your PC / laptop - but this is far from always convenient (some of the data in other software will be reset and will not be saved ...).

It is logical that it is best to close only this particular-hung program. The well-known combination of ALT + F4 does not always solve the problem, and, in fact, that's why I sketched a small note with several ways to force the process to be liquidated.


👉 By the way!

If the PC / laptop does not react at all to any of the keyboard buttons, then most likely not only a separate program is frozen, but the system as a whole.

If so, then to reboot / shutdown the device - clamp button power supply (Power) for 4-5 sec. (of course, all unsaved data will be lost).


Ways to close an unresponsive program

👉 First

And so, the most obvious and simplest option is to just right-click on the icon of the frozen program on the Windows taskbar. After that, in the pop-up window, it will be enough to select the option "close a window" .

Close a window


👉 Second

If a full-screen application is stuck and you just can't get to the taskbar, try the following combinations:

  • WIN, or WIN + TAB, or ALT + TAB, or ALT + Enter - to minimize the window;
  • ALT + F4, or ESC, or ALT + Q - to close (exit) the program.

ALT + Q / keyboard

The listed hotkeys work with the vast majority of Windows software.


👉 Third

Press the keyboard shortcutCtrl + Shift + Esc (or Ctrl + Alt + Del) to invoke the task manager. Next, in the processes tab, find the hung program (process), right-click on it and select "Remove task" ... After 3-5 sec. the program must be closed.

Ctrl + Shift + Esc or Ctrl + Alt + Del - open the task manager

By the way, if the desktop after that began to be displayed "somehow wrong" (or not at all) - restart the process "Conductor" (or "Explorer" in English).

Explorer - restart


👉 Fourth

The command line is a universal thing that can help with closing (liquidating) hung processes (programs). By the way, if you get the hang of using it, it will be possible to close frozen full-screen applications even in "blind" mode (when nothing is displayed on the screen).

How it's done:

  1. first you need to open 👉 command line;
  2. after introduce tasklist and press Enter;
  3. a list of all processes will appear on the screen (you should specify the name of the process / program that you want to close);
  4. after introduce taskkill / IM chrome.exe / f and press Enter (instead of "chrome.exe" - the name of the required process is indicated).

We kill the process through the command line


👉 Fifth

If the above options are unsuccessful, you can use the utility Process Hacker (link to SourceForge). This is free software that will show you all running processes, their priorities, memory usage, load, etc.

To eliminate (close) any of the running programs in it, you just need to select it in the list, then press RMB on its name and in the window that appears, select "Terminate tree" (see example below 👇).

Process Hacker 2 - close the process tree

It is worth noting that Process Hacker will close the entire tree of processes associated with this program at once (which many other programs do not do ...).



If you often start to freeze a program (even worse programs) - pay attention to:

  1. software version (it is undesirable to use different beta versions). Check if the software version is compatible with your OS;
  2. update the drivers (preferably from the official site);
  3. check the hard drive (if it starts to "crumble" - freezes will go on all the time);
  4. run the system using specials. "disposable" antivirus products;
  5. it is possible that your application does not have enough RAM (look when the software is running - how much memory is used in the task manager).

In addition, I recommend that you read the thematic instructions (links below).

👉 To help!

1) The game crashes or freezes ... What should I do?

2) Laptop freezes: what to do? Diagnostics and elimination of the causes of freezing

3) Error: Kernel-Power code 41, category 63. The computer restarts or hangs


That's all for now ...

Add-ons are always welcome!

Have a nice day!


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